Why we stand behind Best Barf raw freeze dried snacks for dogs and cats

Best Barf is one of our favourite brands of dog and cat food products, because we share the same vision, which is: – focusing on providing only the highest possible quality, – producing limited editions, and – aiming to be as sustainable as possible. Best Barf snacks are made from different types of meat andRead more ⟶

What makes LYO DOG different from other brands?

This is a question I get asked a lot and I finally managed to take the time to gather my thoughts and write a short description about LYO DOG. This is what we are doing, this is our aim, this is why we exist. We hope that you will join us in our efforts. LYORead more ⟶

Should I get a cooling vest for my dog?

Summer is here and at least in our area, heatwaves are becoming more intense every year. Especially for older dogs, dogs with a thick coat, dogs with health issues or dogs that are super active, a cooling vest can be a great solution. My dogs have been using them for years and honestly, I amRead more ⟶

What is dog agility?

I am sure you already know dog agility, since it is probably the most popular dog sport (at least in Slovenia), but in case you don´t here is a short description: “The aim of agility is for dogs to negotiate different obstacles in a set order and within a set time. It is an educationalRead more ⟶

Best Barf Monthly PRE-ORDER

Best Barf is one of our favourite brands of dog and cat food products, because we share the same vision, which is: Best Barf snacks are made from different types of meat and organs, which are freeze-dried raw, without any kind of additives. You can use them for dog training or as a part ofRead more ⟶

International Dog Physio Seminar in Postojna, Slovenia

Calling all dog lovers in Slovenia and neighbouring countries! Join us for the International Dog Physio Seminar on Saturday, October 12th in Postojna, Slovenia. This seminar is perfect for dog owners who want to:• Learn more about dog physiotherapy• Learn basic massage• Gain tips for providing better care for their furry friend, especially active dogsRead more ⟶

How much water should my dog drink?

Water – fresh, drinking water – is another key nutrient that is important for your dog´s nutrition. Like with humans, water is essential for your dog´s body optimal performance and it is also necessary for maintaining regular body temperature. It is a vital component in the transportation of nutrients and waste products throughout the body.Read more ⟶

Best treats for training your dog

I get asked about this a lot! Unfortunately, there is no ONE perfect kind of treats. It depends on your dog´s preferences and nutritional requirements, as well as the type of training (training a puppy is different than training an experienced dog, etc.). And last, but equally important is the human factor – I, forRead more ⟶

Hello and welcome to our #activeLYOutdoors blog!

Our aim for this blog is to create a hub for active dogs and their humans. We see owning dogs as a lifestyle, so we take them with us on our outdoor activities, such as hiking, ski touring, or mountain biking. We also take our time to train our dogs to fulfil their mental needsRead more ⟶