What makes LYO DOG different from other brands?

This is a question I get asked a lot and I finally managed to take the time to gather my thoughts and write a short description about LYO DOG. This is what we are doing, this is our aim, this is why we exist. We hope that you will join us in our efforts. LYORead more ⟶

What is dog agility?

I am sure you already know dog agility, since it is probably the most popular dog sport (at least in Slovenia), but in case you don´t here is a short description: “The aim of agility is for dogs to negotiate different obstacles in a set order and within a set time. It is an educationalRead more ⟶

Why are we called “LYO DOG”?

It´s funny, but we do get asked this question quite a bit. The story goes back a few years, when I was still deciding if I should go for it (open my own business) or not. And since I had a million different ideas and problems that I wanted to solve, the name was evenRead more ⟶

What is Dogfrisbee?

Put very simply, it is a dog sport, based on playing with your dog and a frisbee, specifically created for dogs (made with a mixture of plastic and rubber, so that the frisbee doesn´t hurt your dog´s teeth and gums). Btw, if you need a proper frisbee disc for your dog, you can join ourRead more ⟶

International Dog Physio Seminar in Postojna, Slovenia

Calling all dog lovers in Slovenia and neighbouring countries! Join us for the International Dog Physio Seminar on Saturday, October 12th in Postojna, Slovenia. This seminar is perfect for dog owners who want to:• Learn more about dog physiotherapy• Learn basic massage• Gain tips for providing better care for their furry friend, especially active dogsRead more ⟶

Should I take my dog mountain biking?

I get asked this question quite a bit, and my answer is always “it depends” 😀 let me explain … There are a few considerations and requirements to be met, before you decide to take your dog mountain biking: The first and the MOST important fact to consider is that once you bring your dogRead more ⟶


One of the goals that we have set for 2024 is an ADVENTURE DOG online training course: expert-led training to help you and your dog explore the outdoors safely, with the aim of creating a great bond. This online course will depend heavily on its students, their existing knowledge and experience, as well as individual goalsRead more ⟶