LYO DOG Donation for Darwin´s Memorial Fund


Darwin´s Memorial Fund is our way of giving back through environmentally – and socially responsible projects.

Those of you who follow us from the very beginning might remember our two main goals:

  • with #activeLYOutdoors we aim to promote healthy and active lifestyle for you and your dog,
  • and with #responsibLYOutdoors we aim to promote sustainability in all aspects of our business.

You might also remember my Darwin, my heart dog, my soulmate and – looking at it now, also my unofficial emotional support dog.

There are many benefits of dogs for our mental health, such as reduced cortisol, lower blood pressure, lower heart rate and reduced anxiety, as well as higher levels of “happy” hormones (oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins). This is why experiencing a true bond with your dog is the best thing on this planet <3

We have been functioning as a socially responsible business since the beginning, but now we will step it up, it´s time to do some good on a bigger scale. As everything in this world, ambitious projects require funding, so in honour of my boy, we have established DARWIN´s MEMORIAL FUND.

This means that part of the profits from the sales of our LYO DOG products will go towards environmentally and socially responsible projects. You can also donate to the fund with your chosen amount. 

The first project will focus on therapy dogs for anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD and depression. We hope to tell you more about our first project soon!