How did the idea for LYO DOG come about?

Honestly, there are three reasons: our dogs. Darwin, Ozzy and Ziggy have been and still are the inspiration behind finding solutions to our problems as dog owners/parents who want our dogs to live their best lives. So, let´s start with the number one reason all this started: meet Ozzy (bullterrier, 10 years old at theRead more ⟶

Anaphylactic shock in dogs

I am writing this in case the same situation happens to you and your dogs, so that you will know how to react quickly First, here is the definition of Anaphylaxis and the symptoms: “Anaphylactic shock is a rare, life-threatening, immediate allergic reaction to food, an injection, or an insect sting. The most common signsRead more ⟶

How much water should my dog drink?

Water – fresh, drinking water – is another key nutrient that is important for your dog´s nutrition. Like with humans, water is essential for your dog´s body optimal performance and it is also necessary for maintaining regular body temperature. It is a vital component in the transportation of nutrients and waste products throughout the body.Read more ⟶