SOLO monoprotein wet food for dogs and cats

SOLO® is the single-protein food par excellence, wholesome, tasty, digestible, healthy. Our products are for those who really care about the health and well-being of their pet, because our meat is the same as you would choose for yourself. *used to reduce intolerance to food ingredients and nutrients. It is extremely suitable as an elimination diet for bothRead more ⟶

New in shop: European Pet Pharmacy supplements for active dogs

We are thrilled to announce a NEW addition to our shop! Meet European Pet Pharmacy and their high quality dog supplement mixes for active dogs (and cats). Supplements are made in Sweden and prepared specifically for active dogs, dogs in training, senior dogs and puppies – as a preventative measure or to support already presentRead more ⟶

What are the differences between freeze-dried and air-dried food?

This is a question that we get quite often, so it might be more useful to explain it in a blog post 🙂 So, both processes are food preservation processes, used specifically for dog food (of course they are also used for human food, but our focus here is dog nutrition). Both processes remove moistureRead more ⟶

What should I know about raw feeding?

First, what is raw feeding? It is a specific diet of dogs and cats, where the meals are structured in a balanced way and include: There are, of course, a few concerns when feeding your dog or cat with a raw diet: If you have enough knowledge on dog nutrition and specific dietary needs ofRead more ⟶

What is BARF?

The BARF diet, which stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food, is a type of diet for dogs and cats that emphasizes feeding them raw, unprocessed foods, similar to what their ancestors would have eaten in the wild. The main idea behind the BARF diet is to provide dogs with a more natural and species-appropriate dietRead more ⟶

Why choose LYO DOG treats for your dog?

We have combined all the benefits into these 4 key reasons: 2. ENERGY-BOOSTING TREATS FOR ACTIVE DOGS Our treats are great for re-fueling dogs on day-long hikes, trail runs, skitouring adventures or bike rides. Besides being nutritious, our treats are dry and light, so they are easy to carry in your pocket or in aRead more ⟶

Best treats for training your dog

I get asked about this a lot! Unfortunately, there is no ONE perfect kind of treats. It depends on your dog´s preferences and nutritional requirements, as well as the type of training (training a puppy is different than training an experienced dog, etc.). And last, but equally important is the human factor – I, forRead more ⟶