Earth´s goodies wet dog food with superfoods

Do you already know Earth´s goodies? We are happy to announce a new addition to our shop: their one-ingredient wet dog food, enriched with superfoods. There are four flavours: Superfoods (from controlled organic production) that are added are: *items and quantities range among 4 flavours of wet food. What makes Earth´s goodies different: Packaging: pouch 150gRead more ⟶

Why we stand behind Best Barf raw freeze dried snacks for dogs and cats

Best Barf is one of our favourite brands of dog and cat food products, because we share the same vision, which is: – focusing on providing only the highest possible quality, – producing limited editions, and – aiming to be as sustainable as possible. Best Barf snacks are made from different types of meat andRead more ⟶

How is Wet dog food made?

Wet dog/cat/pet food is made by cooking a mixture of ingredients (also called “the recipe”) together and sealing the finished product into a hermetically sealed can, pouch or other type of packaging. The wet food in the container remains sterile until opened (the shelf life duration differs among different packaging, recipes, etc.). Wet dog/cat/pet foodRead more ⟶