What makes LYO DOG different from other brands?

This is a question I get asked a lot and I finally managed to take the time to gather my thoughts and write a short description about LYO DOG. This is what we are doing, this is our aim, this is why we exist. We hope that you will join us in our efforts. LYORead more ⟶

“Why can wild animals poop in the woods, but my dog can’t?”

Might be a silly question, but it is an important topic to discuss, if we want to be responsible dog owners/guardians and visit the outdoors in line with the “leave no trace” principle. The main difference: their diet. Wild animals consume foods and nutrients directly from the ecosystem, where they reside, and the same nutrientsRead more ⟶

What is Pododermatitis in dogs?

If you dog has allergies (to foods or environmental factors), you might have come across “pododermatitis“. Basically, this is severe inflammation of the skin of dog´s paws. This inflammation can occur on one or all dog paws, on the paws, around the nails, on individual fingers or between paw pads. There are several potential causes,Read more ⟶

Why are we called “LYO DOG”?

It´s funny, but we do get asked this question quite a bit. The story goes back a few years, when I was still deciding if I should go for it (open my own business) or not. And since I had a million different ideas and problems that I wanted to solve, the name was evenRead more ⟶

How did the idea for LYO DOG come about?

Honestly, there are three reasons: our dogs. Darwin, Ozzy and Ziggy have been and still are the inspiration behind finding solutions to our problems as dog owners/parents who want our dogs to live their best lives. So, let´s start with the number one reason all this started: meet Ozzy (bullterrier, 10 years old at theRead more ⟶

Should I take my dog hiking?

I might have mentioned this a million times before: hiking with dogs is our favourite activity, for many reasons. So, the short answer is: YES. Yes, you should! For a slightly longer answer, let me quickly describe some points that you should consider before going on a first hiking trip with your dog: The goldenRead more ⟶

Best treats for training your dog

I get asked about this a lot! Unfortunately, there is no ONE perfect kind of treats. It depends on your dog´s preferences and nutritional requirements, as well as the type of training (training a puppy is different than training an experienced dog, etc.). And last, but equally important is the human factor – I, forRead more ⟶