
A word from our founder:

“As a project manager working in the field of sustainability, I am constantly faced with balancing economic feasibility with business responsibility to the environment and the wider society. This is why I set up LYO DOG as a passion project, that would offer solutions for like-minded people, who are responsible consumers, who value nature and their time spent outdoors with their dog – more than marketing tricks of big companies who only care about their margins and in the long-term forget that scale leads to lower quality, especially when it comes to dog food and treats.

LYO DOG started from my own personal problem of not being able to find food and treats for our highly allergic dog, and in time it has grown into so much more. Those of you who follow us from the very beginning might remember our two main goals:

  • with #activeLYOutdoors we aim to promote healthy and active lifestyle for you and your dog,
  • and with #responsibLYOutdoors we aim to promote sustainability in all aspects of our business.

We are not just another dog brand, we see the world in a wider sense and we sincerely care for our natural environment, where we spend a lot of time. This is why we function as a social business and we are constantly implementing and upgrading more sustainable practices into our processes:

  • for our own brand of LYO DOG treats, we only produce limited edition, small batches, as pre-orders, to avoid unnecessary waste & to make sure our products come to our customers as soon as possible after production, to ensure the highest quality
  • we decided to use pre-orders also for products of brands that we cooperate with
  • when possible (and we really make sure it is possible most of the time), we don´t use plastic packaging and opt for a more eco-friendly option
  • we focus on quality, not quantity.

We aim to offer you only the products that we really think are valuable for you and your dog, that will improve your dog´s well-being and in case of dog training courses, improve your bond in the long term.

Our aim is to improve constantly and be different even when it´s not economically feasible. Our give-back projects are such example. We will do as much as we can, with the resources available. We are a small, but passionate team, with big ideas and goals to achieve.

We are SO very thankful to each and every one of you who support our business and we continue to work hard for you.

All the best,

