SOLO monoprotein wet food for dogs and cats

SOLO® is the single-protein food par excellence, wholesome, tasty, digestible, healthy. Our products are for those who really care about the health and well-being of their pet, because our meat is the same as you would choose for yourself. *used to reduce intolerance to food ingredients and nutrients. It is extremely suitable as an elimination diet for bothRead more ⟶

LYO DOG gift boxes – LYO BOXES – are back!

Our LYO BOX gift boxes are back for this 2024 holiday season! As always, this is a limited edition, made in small batches. We have decided to offer 3 one-ingredient boxes, with 3 flavours of treats and wet food, that are most popular among you, our dear customers. We will be taking orders until theRead more ⟶

What type of diet should I choose for my dog?

Recently I noticed a lot of online discussions on dog food diets, that turned into battles between “advocates” of different types of dog diets. Well, you will not get that from me. I strongly believe it´s your own personal choice, as you know your dog the best and his/her needs. Roughly, these are the typesRead more ⟶

What are the differences between freeze-dried and air-dried food?

This is a question that we get quite often, so it might be more useful to explain it in a blog post 🙂 So, both processes are food preservation processes, used specifically for dog food (of course they are also used for human food, but our focus here is dog nutrition). Both processes remove moistureRead more ⟶

LYO DOG 100% natural Protein bar for dogs

We are thrilled to introduce something really special: our very own LYO DOG protein bar for dogs! There are several protein bars already available on the market, but as always, our super allergic dog Ozzy cannot eat them, because they are all filled with secret and not-so-secret ingredients that he cannot consume (to be honest,Read more ⟶

Why we stand behind Best Barf raw freeze dried snacks for dogs and cats

Best Barf is one of our favourite brands of dog and cat food products, because we share the same vision, which is: – focusing on providing only the highest possible quality, – producing limited editions, and – aiming to be as sustainable as possible. Best Barf snacks are made from different types of meat andRead more ⟶

SOLO – monoprotein food for dogs and cats

After thoroughly testing with our own dogs, we decided to add SOLO monoprotein food for dogs (and cats) into our shop. As you might know, Ozzy has severe allergies, so finding suitable quality food for him has been an ongoing challenge, so we are very happy to discover these. SOLO® is the single-protein food par excellence,Read more ⟶

What makes LYO DOG different from other brands?

This is a question I get asked a lot and I finally managed to take the time to gather my thoughts and write a short description about LYO DOG. This is what we are doing, this is our aim, this is why we exist. We hope that you will join us in our efforts. LYORead more ⟶

What should I know about raw feeding?

First, what is raw feeding? It is a specific diet of dogs and cats, where the meals are structured in a balanced way and include: There are, of course, a few concerns when feeding your dog or cat with a raw diet: If you have enough knowledge on dog nutrition and specific dietary needs ofRead more ⟶

Why are we called “LYO DOG”?

It´s funny, but we do get asked this question quite a bit. The story goes back a few years, when I was still deciding if I should go for it (open my own business) or not. And since I had a million different ideas and problems that I wanted to solve, the name was evenRead more ⟶